how he sees me tarot

A friend from your past may present themselves again in your present. So far so good. Even reversed, the Judgement card is not negative. Go along with the present to see where it takes you next. This is something that youve always wanted to do, someone youve always wanted to be with, or someplace youve always wanted to live. That means youve covered a great distance, spiritually, mentally, or quite literally, and youre close to the finish line ever before. It can bar you from progressing forward as quickly as youd like to. The figure in the card has tamed the wild instinct and defeated fear. The Judgement Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Judgement Tarot Card in a Love / Relationship Reading, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in a Love / Relationship Reading, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in Friendship, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in Career, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in Conflict, Judgement Tarot Card as What Someone Thinks of You, Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as What Someone Thinks of You, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as Feelings, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as a Situation, The Judgement Tarot Card as Intentions/What Someone Wants, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions/What Someone Wants. Then when they do open up. Or you may not need to take dramatic action perhaps just recognize that you are placing too much emphasis on listening to words that discourage you from pursuing what you desire. The person of inquiry can think that you are not necessarily being transparent with them. Emotional distress will probably arise. Temperance was a guardian and a messenger, a delicate agent of balance, harmony, and human nature. They want you to face up to the mistakes youve made, even if the only person you hurt was yourself, and recognize how to improve as a person. Strength reversed sometimes implies struggle and conflict. Both w/ the queen of pentacles and 9 of pentacles I feel like he sees me as a down-to-earth person. Invest in self-mastery and independence. They like to decide what is right for you and what is not, what you should and shouldnt do, and who you should be. You can read this free Tarot reading to see what cards reveal his thoughts about you. However, there are safe havens even within the bustling noise of crowded cities. The truth can be hard-hitting sometimes, but note that the perceptions of other people are not necessarily a reflection of our own self-worth. She has achieved that through compassion and understanding, not by imposing her will. Its ok to feel angry sometimes. In the Judgement cards case, they may even know some truth about you, but refuse to accept it. They feel safe when near you, enjoying the warmth of love and compassion. Always trust your gut feelings toward a place or person! If you're doing a relationship reading, you can even designate the first card as yourself, the second . Instead of attempting to resist the changes around you, quiet your mind with meditation. The beast is, of course, a metaphor. Reversed, the Judgement card can refer to qualities such as being overly critical and doubtful. But if you are required to take action in the immediate future, remember that you will always end up in the right destination, regardless of which choice you make. Judgement reversed usually predicts a time where you could slip into negative self-talk or insecurity. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. Your presence is an inspiration that allows them to express their thoughts, and they trust you to be an independent, confident person they can rely upon. You may have made a decision to change career paths completely, or are about to accept an offer that will start a new era of new possibilities. But this makes you capable of influencing others, in turn, to better themselves. When reversed, Judgement as an advice card tells you to stop for a moment and think this through. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. Strengths way of resolving conflicts isnt force or direct control; it is by calming and pacifying emotions, and looking for a beneficial, win-win resolution. Whether or not you choose to remain in a friendship, forgiveness is still worth pursuing, even if you have experienced a significant amount of hurt. She has defeated fear and embraced her trauma. Often, the only person who cannot see our personal growth is ourselves, until we reflect back upon who we were. In reverse, Strength might indicate a place where animals are held captive, like the zoo, a farm, or a circus. #1. That is not necessarily a bad thing. But there is an opportunity being offered to youyou only need to prioritize your truth and accept it. Strength is a great card when it shows up to describe your love life. When a situation or relationship has ended, there is always that feeling of what could have been. It is a call to decide what action to take next. The Strength Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. Brace yourself, and remember that even the direst of circumstances happen for a good reason. The second position of the online How does he feel about me?". Perhaps your friends are pushing you, fueling anxiety and anger, or its the other way around, and you believe that you are better than them. Much like in The Moon card reversed, or even the World reversed, there is some part of you that they have not fully grasped. The animal instinct is allowed expression in the greatest, most beautiful way possible, thanks to a strong foundation of trust and security, or spontaneous passion and fateful attraction. Perhaps your situation is not as dramatic nor as dire as above. This can likely be an internal barrier, with you resisting or not coming to terms with the truth. They want to see you make up for what youve done, right the situation, and apologize. This card is a definite sign that you are stronger than you thought you were and that you can embrace the trauma instead of pushing it away into forgetfulness. Knight Of Wands As Feelings When it comes to the Knight of Wands, this card indicates feelings of intense attraction. Each suit represents a different facet of life. In this light, others may think that you need to be disciplined and taught how to behave because they see you as a lesser being. It may also refer to not being chosen for a job you desired, being wrongfully judged by others, or being self-critical in your work. This card will reveal to you how he really sees you. When the Strength card appears reversed in a love reading, it may suggest emotional abuse and some kind of power play. They see you as someone who will influence and transform them. Reversed Strength indicates that you need some time off to rest, gather yourself, and focus on self-care. You will soon experience a deep harmony with your instincts and find the strength to endure anything life throws at you. This person may be forgoing opportunities that have been offered to them, hesitating in the face of challenges, and not reflecting internally to see what they truly need to do. Try also not to jump around the situation, but instead address it directly. In the Rider Waite card, the figure is standing in an open field, suggesting someplace in nature where one could feel reinvigorated by the fresh air and splendor of the trees and mountains. Have a little faith in yourself and even more in those who care about you! They are proud of your growth and admire that you have matured so much as the months or years have passed. This person wants you to change. It has 6 sound options including Thunder, the sound of the Ocean, a summer night, rain and white noise. Theres a chance somebody wants to take something from you without your consent, expects you to take care of them no matter what, or desperately tries to prove they are better than you, and anybody else for that matter. They stand in caskets drifting in the sea, and what they are focused on in the heavens is Archangel Gabriel who is playing music with a trumpet. Leave your feelings out of the workspace, the weak are too often left behind. But this will ultimately open you up to many more possibilities and provide closure for the past. A true inner calling may become harder and harder to find once you age, repressed by societal or financial demands. Your surrounding environment can also hold indicators of which direction you need to take. As an action card, it is about indirect guidance and quiet determination. A spiritual awakening may also occur for you. Better be safe than sorry. There are 22 major . Your answer may very well be a yes, but only if you manage to overcome that voice of uncertainty and take courage in the next step. Is she encouraging the beast to express itself, or is she trying to impose dominion over it? They have a strong sense of self and purpose. There was too much trouble back where I was and I just wanted to move on. If this doesnt sound like it applies to you, Judgement can also represent this person restarting something with you. Some things are beyond our control. Think rationally and competitively and you will succeed. Your Tarot cards are telling you that you should wait it out just a little longer. This deviant behavior creates a sense of insecurity and fuels codependency. You may otherwise have adopted a defeatist attitude, and thats just not the material that winners are made of. They want you to recognize your flaws and truths as a person. Give your partner space, but also take good care of them. Releasing repressed emotions can thus open up so much more clarity and freedom in the present. As far as the feelings of somebody else go, you might not be surprised if you realized that, besides admiration, this person feels an attraction towards you, and even romantic passion. This kind of behavior may have its roots in jealousy or a sense of superiority and disrespect. No one must walk alone in life, especially those among us who had to struggle for what most people take for granted. It could also be that they admire a particular path or decision youve taken. It will teach you how to resist the destructive urges, an insatiable appetite, for example, and how to control them without denying them and without neglecting your well-being. You may be struggling, trying too hard to affirm yourself and reach other peoples standards. Unresolved issues you had forgotten may emerge to test your patience. In the Judgement card upright, the querent has gone with the flow, embracing what is out of their control, and consequently recognizing that they are being taken down the right path. Strength arrives at number 8, which symbolizes infinity, as well as a constant flow of energy and power. They put up walls, tell us lies and sometimes don't tell us anything at all. It may indicate that you seem like someone whos looking for trouble, someone who is always trying to dominate the conversation by being the loudest person in the room and accepting no opinion other than your own. Sometimes our inner judgement may not be enough and we end up avoiding the situation. Will it pass and heal with time, or is it just in your mind? But this happens because you will soon be capable of achieving more than ever before. The only thing that they have to do is place enough trust in themselves and the universe to accomplish what they are fully capable of. Have confidence in your charm, dare to make the first move, and talk to that cute stranger across the bar whos bashfully glancing at you! It can be a sign of emotional repression that leads to outbursts. Consider this phrase: nothing for me that is not for others. We have a tendency to relive past traumas. In reverse, Strength is holding on too tight, refusing to let go, and becoming easily irritated. From a psychologists office to a park where people relax and unwind, this card in this context is open to personal interpretation. Sometimes we hardly recognize the subconscious mindsets that we pick up when we are put through emotionally difficult situations. If he is still thinking about you, then he's missing you a lot. One thing that is clear is that your current situation will never appear the same again. You may find yourself clinging to people or situations that you should be letting go of, craving attention or reassurance, and yielding to emotional distress. Furthermore, the card reversed assures you that it is okay to receive help from others. Strength as an outcome heralds a time of grace. Have you been wronged in the workplace? The White Noise Maker is something I use every day. Pluto is a planet of death and rebirth, extremely suited to the resurrective nature of Judgement. Expect a resolution in favor of your highest self. Judgement is an extremely reassuring card to pull for the advice position. They certainly want the best for you, however, may be flawed in recognizing how they really are impacting you. Eight of Wands Feelings for Someone. The troubles of the past have made you strong and wise, and you can now face daily life with an air of confidence. There are a lot of ways you could persuade such a person to discover their strengths and validate their character without making them dependent on you. Its those small thoughts that seemingly come to you randomly, which you dismiss upon the basis of rationality, yet a few weeks later you see that you were right in the end. It might be a roar, it might be a whisper. It wont be easy, but then again no great venture ever is. Do away with naivety; it is great peril in and of itself. When upright, the Judgement card can refer to external factors that are keeping you stagnant, such as a relationship that no longer serves or a career that is unfulfilling. What do I need to know about myself? It sounds ominous but doesnt have to be both virtues and failings are what make us human. As with all reversed cards, Strength, in this case, denotes a lack of everything she represents in the upright position, so this will likely be an interval when you may feel weak and scared. In the obstacle position, Strength reversed indicates that you may have been trying to achieve something for which you are not ready yet, and you let your emotions control you. Heres another way to look at Strength in this context: someone who expects everything to be done for them by you because they feel weak, insecure, or simply bored. When the Judgement card appears in career, you are about to make a significant leap forward. Take a break, stay in your safe space, and avoid emotional triggers and careless risks! Throughout the storm of self-doubt, loss, and failures, youve surfaced into a place where nothing can harm you. An example of the Judgement card acting in a conflict is in a legal one, where court case proceedings and case preparations with lawyers force you to face the facts of what happened, either victim or perpetrator. We play vastly different roles in the lives of each person we interact with. But exactly because it is reversed, this situation is truly over, and its time to stop hanging onto remnants of emotions that need to fade. Position 2: Negative feelings. Of course, we have to consider locations in the wilderness where wild animals roam free or even a natural history museum. In any case, the Strength card reveals a strong desire for connection and communication or conflict. What exactly is being hidden from me right now? Not so much related to health issues, but endurance and successful recovery. Balance is hard to find, but the Temperance card is clear: You're finding it in your own life. Yet the pressure and judgement from the friends who were more comfortable with your older self only restrict your self-growth and curb your enthusiasm for changing and discovering who you are. Tarot cards as how someone sees you how someone sees you Ace of Wands - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. Finally, the lions primal roar amounts to the ability to express oneself with confidence, without any doubt. Domination can only reinforce injustice while surrendering to inaction, silence, and fatigue will quickly disable the soul and mind alike. They think of you as courageous and honest. Vekke Sind, Justice Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! This can involve anything from a certain quality that you dislike in others, all the way to realizing that it is your right to refuse to remain in a toxic situation. You are very much self-aware, capable of reflecting upon your mistakes and doing inner work. To a person who thinks of you as represented by the Judgement card reversed, you seem to be quite a confusing figure to them. Whilst this is an important period that will most likely heavily shift your surrounding circumstances, know that you have the ability to make educated and intuitive decisions. Furthermore, this card tells us to forgive and close wounds from the past. Everything once separated will reunite and all that was lost will be found again. It might indicate that you need to figure out what this decision is first, before advancing onto another step. The challenge of this card is to demonstrate that the Strength of love can overcome fear. It could be that they are the right person, at the right time. You accept each other for who you are. Vekke Sind, Moon Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! A conflict involving the reversed Judgement card indicates that it will not be successful in resolution until either party can admit the truth. You strike fear in their heart with an intimidating presence, so they watch their steps around you and cannot speak their mind freely. Strength expresses courage, self-discipline, recovery from trauma, inner strength, and a triumph over lifes obstacles. Its about knowing what you really want and feeling like you can thrive and belong as you are. The feeling of everything clicking into place is one that makes us happy, and moreover, grateful. Diverging from Johns apocalyptic visions, the Rider-Waite Judgement card shows no disaster. Both parties have now understood what they had to work on individually. The bronze trumpet, which has a white flag with a red cross tethered to it, brings to mind the events of John the Apostles Book of Revelation. You may appear to others as too strong for your own good, provoking jealousy and enmity. To master this obstacle, you have to have faith in your powers and let your voice be heard. Ultimately, the negative side of Strength is neglecting what makes you human and either giving in to what is eating you up inside or trying to force things, trying to impose your will upon the world instead of choosing a natural and unifying course of action. Also hold indicators of which direction you need to prioritize your truth and accept it she trying impose. No one must walk alone in life, especially those among us who had to work individually! Office to a park where people relax and unwind, this card tells you to stop a... Never appear the same again he really sees you months or years have passed instincts find! Will ultimately open you up to many more possibilities and provide closure for the advice.... Feeling like you can thrive and belong as you are make up for what most people take for.! They want to see where it takes you next cards case, the card. 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how he sees me tarot

how he sees me tarot