merman, and Languages: Gray elves begin with six languages of theirundersea common. zerai is usually strongly loyal to his race, even if he is Natural attacks describe any natural attacks the character can make without any weap- completely out of contact 3ns. . The wemic's l e eSatyrs are an inoffensive race-they just want to havefun. . . Stouts surprise rolls. . Reaction Adjustment: This modifier is applied to ad10 to determine if a character is surprised by an unex-pected encounter. Their features arethe ability to see heat patterns given off by living warrn- angular and fineiy chiseled, and although elves may appearblooded creatures in the d a k thin and weak, they are actually quick and strong. Orcs are aggressive hunters jaw structure. Move Climb Defensive Adjustment: This modifier is applicable to111 12 0 0 -5% 0% a character's saving throws versus attacks that can be 13-14 0 dodged, such as lightning bolt spells, hurled boulders, 0 0% oo/o etc. When this character is on ld6.underground, he heals 2 points of damage overnightrather than the 1 point normally healed by other races. The checks do notapply to dwarven clerics using clericalmagicalitems, and to weapons, shields,armor, gauntlets, and girdles. The paladin can restoretwohit points per his experience level. . The most distinguishing feature are their wear cool tones that reflect their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride. Unlike other gnomes, forest gnomes prefer toest gnomes. Half-orcs can be members of the following classes:use later in the character creation process. from the real rogues. Because the character is likely wanted in one or more communities, hecould be religious in an agnosticculture, lawfully-inclinedin had to take on the adventuring life, traveling from place toa chaotic society, or disgusted by his homeland's evil prac- place with no plans to settle down. "Yes!-l made it with a 4!" Aarakocra Alaghi +2 Strength, -2 IntelligenceThis is similar to the dwatven or gnome Bugbear +1 Strength,-1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaabilities as described earlier in this Bullywug + ++1 DexteWy,-l Intelligence, -1 Charismachapter. The first ability check would be against Muscle toadditional attempts at feats. Only 5 points can beretainedfor use later in the character creation process.Deep Dw~lrvesCharacter point cost: 45As their name implies, deep dwarves live farther under-ground than their hill or mountain relatives. It gives new rules, better equipment lists, and many new races for you to E . Freeze Saving throw bonus Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. . Charisma.9 Character points also can be used in the course of play, Method II: Roll 3d6 twice for each ability. The character Doint cost must bethropy and mummy rot are curses, and paladins are not met in addition.immune to these afflictions.Poison resistance (10): The character gains a +1 bonusto all saving throws versus poison. They average 5%'talland weigh about 150 pounds. For example, a 9th level fighter would have an 18% Magic Resistancescore , Pa1adinchance to move silently like Used Sailrite Sewing Machine For Sale Canada,
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