This isn't a new phenomenon. 1. He's so highfalutin' he thinks his sh*t tastes like sherbert. And on the way you are praying that the person in question is not a friend or acquaintance of yours. In fact, Georgia and South Carolina produce more peaches than any other states in the South. Question: Do you think that "bless her/your/his heart" is an insult? It takes a strong woman to fill that cup Another throwback among the older matriarchs in the family. If you're trying to be nice, but you just can't quite let it go, "bless your heart" is a go-to. Example: You made this pecan pie? Can you help me find them? This 19th-century phrase was once used to refer to some fierce, imaginary beast, until we went off course and adopted the current meaning of "awry.". My favorite saying. I dont know why Black people just cant say "I have to go, good talking to you, bye". Some folks call them redneck or hillbilly sayings. Does that mean a Southern accent? Meaning: (Noun) A clodhopper is a word used to call or describe a person who is boring. Once someone has said God knows my heart, just know theyve already made up in their mind that they are A) Currently sinning B) About to sin C) Premeditating a future sin D) Justifying a past sin or E) All of the above. Example: Come on! Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Meaning: (Phrase) A hissy fit is a tantrum done by a child who does not know how to control and direct his or her emotions. I love your dress! Example: I am tickled pink to see my new picket fence! Any idea where this one originated? If it gets any hotter, I'll have to take off stuff I really ought to keep on. Instead of accepting the repercussions or come up with a believable excuse, the kid answers with, "See, what had happened was my phone restarted and changed my clock so I thought it was 10 p.m., instead of midnight. If you are Black you know youve heard these sayings at some point in time throughout your life. Example: I am fine and dandy even uder the Southern summer heat. "), "Over-the-shoulder boulder holders." Meaning: (Adjective) The word precious means adorable but can also mean pathetic, depending on the situation. This phrase is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. Example: Supper time, kids! Black parents rarely acquiesce to the non-life sustaining requests of their children. See our privacy policy. 1. Suicide Note Revealed After Shocking Death. If you grew up in the church this one will ring so many bells. Answer: I've never heard the expression "wrong sudadderds", but it's an interesting way of saying "assbackwards!". (not invited and treated wrong) Give down the country. This is a point of emphasis and exclamation that often ends without any additional telling at all. flashy jewellery worn to create the impression of wealth . Example: You shouldnt be acting like youre madder than a wet hen in public. 7. ", "She has her nose so high in the air she could drown in a rainstorm. Oh, so you think I am stupid? Though all similar, the accents range from the small town twang to the unique Charleston accent. Source: Flickr/Eric Norris When A Southerner Gets Mad 3. You're lyin' like a no-legged dog! (have a good time) Go off half-cocked. Ive known you since you were knee high to a bullfrog, but that was ages ago! Clean this mess right now! Example: Will you cut that out or am I gonna leave you here? Note: A. Farmers know that if you do something 'til the cows come home, it's going to take all day. When the Lord was handin' out brains, that fool thought God said. At this point, your mom is slowly turning her neck around like that scene in the exorcist. ", "Those pants were so tight I could see her religion. She's pretty as a pumpkin but half as smart. Did Chevrolet stop makin trucks? Because that same person riding in your car typically offers zero to marginally small contributions towards the gas tank they're commenting on. Example: Make sure you be back directly once youre done with the project. I'm so poor I can't afford to pay attention. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Furthermore, America is a "good ole' boys club", so even if a black person has the same education level and experience as a white man, they will be grossly underpaid. Scenario: your parent storms into your room unannounced, without knocking, because why would they knock in their own house? Over yonder down the road. Its not helping anyone. Question: Do you have any insight on where the expression "I'm going to the house" comes from? Or perhaps she mentioned that "pretty is as pretty does." But this is 2017, five dollars cant get you a bottle of water at a sporting event. Maybe you do look like boo-boo the fool". 5. Some folks prefer country wisdom. The distinct English dialect of the American South, which has a close relationship with Black English (African American Vernacular English), is fascinatingand plenty lively. I have yet to see a reparation check for the work my ancestors did. Meaning: (Phrase) When someone says this phrase to you, he or she is telling you to have better manners. ". There are plenty of names for crawfish, but Southerners prefer crawdad. Southerners love hosting and entertaining as well, so youll be treated in the best way possible. Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining. In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. Example: Of course, hes fit to be tied! i.e. Function: Noun. "It was and remains an insulting way to describe a Black person because it suggests that they are 'too big for their britches' or are demonstrating a sense of dignity or autonomy they are not. If you just heard your mama come home and you haven't finished your chores, she will definitely be "madder than a wet hen." They feel so rightthey must be in our DNA. When you visit or move to the US South, you may need help to understand what we are talking about! Bless your heart. This phrase is from John Keats' Endymion. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. (Spelling a phonetic guess). and 2) "I don't know? If I had my druthers. Meaning, do I like like a simpleton? Bless your heart. Example: Our children are going on a trip. 1.phrase used by Southern women to excuse themselves for speaking ill of someone else. I feel like I been 'et by a wolf and sh** over a cliff. (I love you bunches. Yet, this is exactly why you cleaned the whole house, massaged your moms back, told her you loved her and put a smile on your face before quietly entering her room to ask for a Happy Meal. 1. Example: I dont like her style, bless her heart. This is a phrase that our grandmother and great aunties would use to describe a woman who has been through her fair share of lifes ups and downs and we know many of them in the family. Discover and share Black Southern Women Quotes. That sticks in your throat like a hair in a biscuit. When you're fixin' to do something, it's going to happen, but you also may decide to take your sweet time. Meaning: (Phrase) This phrase is used when a person cant see what hes looking for even when its right in front of him. This phrase refers to two people that have a close relationship, they stick together all the time. The brilliance of black parents is that they can make you feel stupid with a few words and a glare. 1. Rather, when this phrase is used, we'd like you to mind your manners and stop acting inappropriately. What happened to you?! Settle in, because whatever we're talking about is going to take all day. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on him if he was on fire. Unarguable Southern criticism. She's busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor. He's about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. He's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine/a trapdoor on a canoe. Another reminder to be measured about what you do and how you do it. AKA: "It's time to go!" (Translation: Ya got meI don't know what a popcorn fart is!). In the middle of your hustle and striving, no person or circumstance will impede your progress or keep you from keepin' on (bonus black phrase). It's so dry the trees are bribing the dogs. Yankees just can't pass for Southerners! The phrase may be accompanied by a gesture indicating north, south, east, or west. Now, youre like white on rice! Cape Hatteras National Seashore on the Outer Banks of North Carolina is a great place to RV. As much as I love Kanye, I've unfortunately had to use "Whose mans is this?" The one saying which I truly don't understand is "Well, bless your heart". You're lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Date: 1829. Answer: I just came across a word in a Dean Koontz book that I'm reading that might be what you are looking for: "darkling" or "darkle". Have You Heard These Southern Compliments? That means whatever you're talking about is worth less than very little. Instead of "Well, I swear," Southerners have adopted a geographically inspired alternative. Everyone will get a piece of cake. Quit goin' around your ass to get to your elbow. AP/Doug Parker. This occurs when someone feels too comfortable with you and has taken your demeanor as an indicator that anything can be said or done. In the South, a hill of beans is its own measuring stick. So next time millennials are asked why we aren't having kids, we are going to respond with this simple question, "Do you have 'population replacement level' money? Example: Good heavens, child! Some even helped us to stay out of trouble. For example, us millennials aren't having enough kids to keep the Unites States population at its "replacement level". We heard all of these adages growing up, and we couldn't help but pick up a few ourselves. Who doesnt love the countryside, anyway? If Grandma's calling you the "bee's knees," you must be doing something right. You know you overheard those church ladys at the Sunday potluck saying, "Bless her heart" or would catch the tail end of "I'll knock you into the middle of next week looking both ways for Sunday!" Example: Look at him! She has her nose so high in the air she could drown in a rainstorm. Happier than ol' Blue layin' on the porch chewin' on a big ol' catfish head. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Someone once said that when you visit the South, you need a translator. Whether youre out and about amongst friends or getting a bit of scolding from mom, Black folks are known for shouting, yelling, and saying some of the best proverbs, slang, and terms of endearment known to man and some of those famous sayings taught us how to navigate throughout life. If you wont stop, youre gonna get a lickin! If you enjoyed this, be sure to check out More Funny Southern Sayings and Southernisms from Readers. Meaning: (Phrase) A month of Sundays is a hyperbole and Southern slang phrase that means a very long time. It was first used in 1832 when it was forbidden to do anything on Sundays. Meaning: (Phrase) As a child that follows the culture of Southern living, when his or her parents say they are gonna get a licking it means theyll be spanked using a belt. Lawd, people will be able to see to Christmas! Anything to the degree of "all get out" is something to talk about. I couldnt buy a hummingbird on a string for a nickel. Southerners tell it like it isno matter what it isso think of this as a learning moment. Meaning: (Onomatopoeia) These Southern words mean that a person should keep quiet or stop talking. "She's pitching a hissy fit with a tail on it. Faster than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking competition. Because "Whose Mans Is This" is only said when someone did something so wild and outlandish, the rest of the party needs to know where this person came from and who brought them, because it is time for them to go. So before reading these ten very black phrases and thinking "this isn't proper language", learn to respect the different spaces that exist in this country and understand that culture, heritage, and humor are ever-changing; and for many people language is a way to celebrate their unique identity in a country that has ostracized them for being different. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. When a Southerner says, "She's ugly" or "that's ugly" they are not talking about someone's. ", "He hasn't got the sense God gave a goose. ", "She could start an argument in an empty house. So dumb he couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. Example: What in tarnation happened in your room? Meaning: (Phrase) This phrase is often used as a prayer and a way to avoid jinxing oneself. Example: Heavens to Betsy! Here in Appalachia, we've heard all of these and many more. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Cows aren't known for their speed, and they are usually out and about, wandering until feeding time. If it had been a snake, itd bit you. i.e." Well, bless your heart, that must have been terrible!" ; a polite way to respond to flattering but unwanted compliments. 9) See, this right here is what we not finna do/ You've got the wrong one. I'm fixin' to fix the porch door after I finish this sweet tea. 1. Therefore, Southerners call this kind of act from a person madder than a wet hen.. You better praise him! Another proverb you wouldve probably heard growing up if you were raised by God-fearing parents or grandparents. Hunted prey such as raccoons or bears would escape the dogs by climbing up trees. Meaning: (Phrase) This phrase is used to describe a girl that loves to look at herself in the mirror or is a girly-girl. This phrase can be intensified by the addition of the word "way," as in "way over yonder.". If it's appropriate for one, surely it's appropriate for the other too. On the other hand, there are some Southernisms that it might take a Yankee like me years to figure out without a translator. Because those walls aren't shatterproof. A multipurpose Southernism. ", "Grinnin' like a possum eatin' a sweet tater. Something smells bad enough to knock a dog off a gut wagon. 2. Meaning: (Phrase) This phrase is used when a person you are talking about suddenly appears. Answer: I think that "law" is actually a form of "Lord", possibly calling on the lord tor help or understanding. When you arrive on the banks of the fishing pond on Saturday mornings, you're hoping for a good catchenough big catfish and bream to fry up for the family on Saturday night. Here are 83 words you'll want to start using, adapted from an episode of The List Show on YouTube. Divide equally, and everyone will be happy. God knows my heart is code for Yes, I know my actions are wrong but God knows that deep down inside I want to do good; just way way deep. What sayings does your grandma always use? He's so skinny, if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue, he'd look like a zipper. In the 1900s, the word evolved, taking on a Southern spin as well as new meanings such as "courage" and "get-up-and-go.". You respond in a way that's logical to you, "Okay I'll do it when I'm done". This statement will be affirmed to you with a swiftness when you seem to forget who exactly you are speaking to. .css-2x3ibz{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Kepler,Helvetica,Arial,Serif;font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:normal;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-2x3ibz:hover{color:link-hover;}}Rob Lowe Shares the Secret to His Marriage, Fans Rally Around Valerie Bertinelli's Sad News, Reese Witherspoon Walks Red Carpet After Breakup, Here's When to Watch Every Episode of Rabbit Hole, 'Yellowstone' Stars Confirm Real-Life Romance, Flipping 101 with Tarek El Moussa Is Returning, See Joanna Gaines's Emotional Family Update, LeAnn Rimes Fans Are Freaking Out Over Sheer Dress, Miranda Lamberts Husband Posted a Thirst Trap. It's almost always accompanied by a good-natured, perhaps slightly exasperated, shake of the head. Southerners adopted this phrase wholeheartedly from its early usages in 1700s England and Scotland (where it meant "common sense"). Example: In this crazy world, you cant get too big for yer britches or you wont make it. Deep in the South where sushi is still called bait. Meaning: (Hyperbole) The term slap you silly is hyperbole for someone who is mad and can slap another person. (have only half the facts) Go to bed with the chickens. For non, Los Angeles residents, that's the same time it would take you to commute from New York City to Philadelphia on the train. I cant believe youre home! Meaning: (Hyperbole) The term pinch a plug out of you is low key, telling a child to behave, especially during mass. She was so ugly when she was born that her momma used to borrow a baby to take to church on Sunday. I'm so hungry my belly thinks my throat's been cut. No one can mistake the intent and meaning of "I'm going to jerk a knot in your tail!" Example: You mean to say hell be back at Christmas time? It can definitely be a softly worded insult, or it can mean something very complimentary. Why? Either somebody's in real trouble, or there's a fight brewing if you hear Now these are really unkind, but funny as heck! So it really hurts when a celebrity does something that embarrasses us. This phrase isn't about physical appearance. If you hear this one, it's best to slow down. Example: Hes like a bull in a China shop. Meaning: (Phrase) The Southern phrase slow as molasses is used when comparing a slow person to how molasses is cooked in a slow cooker. You should think about your actions. You're working too hard to convince people who are already on board. You've got that part on there Wrong Sudadderds." If I had a dog as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and make him walk backwards. You're gonna have old and new-monia dressed like that! Meaning: (Phrase) This phrase is another slang used in the South to tell a person to stop misbehaving. His bread basket is bigger than a bread basket, if you know what I mean. Over yonder toward the water tower. If Grandma's surprised, you'll hear this immediately. Bless your heart. Question: Is there a southern way to say Merry Christmas? We chose 15 of the most ridiculous Southern sayings and tried to explain them. We family You probably heard this one if you were visiting extended family, but no matter if they were your cousins cousin, your moms best friend, or your great uncle, someone always made you feel like family even if you werent related by blood. 2. Example: Go outside and get me a switch now! Almost all of these sayings were part of my growing up. Meaning: (Phrase) One of the most used Southern sayings go outside and get me a switch means that a child should find something his or her parents would use to spank him or her for doing something wrong. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. 30 Hilarious Southern Sayings That are Sure To Impress the Locals, Rob Lowe Shares the Secret to His Marriage, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Have you ever seen a wet hen? These series of gifs are the epitome of "See, this right here is what we not finna do": Black people are great "hype-men" for one another. I haven't heard any particular witty comebacks lately, though, have you? For marginalized groups, language is more than a method of communicating thoughts and ideas. ", "You don't watch out, I'm gonna cream yo' corn. "Druthers" roughly translates to "I would rather," meaning, "If had things my way" The phrase is celebrated in song in the hilarious, Southern-inspired Broadway musical Li'l Abner, in which the title character sings "If I had my druthers, I'd druther have my druthers than anything else I know." If his lips's movin', he's lyin'. Its hotter than two rabbits screwin in a wool sock! Example: Hush up now! Meaning: (Noun) Sug is short for sugar and is used as a term of endearment in South Carolina. Example: Youre proud as a peacock, yet you cant prove anything! Example: Goodness gracious! Meaning: (Phrase) When a person is found to be very attractive or hot, he or she is hotter than hell. People with this lack of exposure to anything considered different, are quick to proclaim another person's speech improper or incorrect. (Translation: A very large bra. Whatcha gonna do when the crick runs dry? I challenge these people to ask themselves, who exactly owns language and who has the power to assign normative ideals to other forms of expression? Language evolves, grows and is malleable depending on the space one occupies. Updated. I'm not one of your little friends is one of the most dismissive phrases someone can use. He couldn't carry a tune if he had a bucket with a lid on it. Example: Wow, you are hotter than hell, arent ya? No Bigger Than a Minnow in a Fishing Pond, A Rooster One Day and A Feather Duster the Next. Meaning: (Phrase) The term knee-high to a bullfrog is a term used to describe the age difference between two people talking. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's rainin'! Barking up the wrong tree. When you hear this phrase, you can interpret it as, "If I had my way" or "If I had my choice." I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. Could you kindly share that your food with me?" a dry beggar would say something like: "That food looks really good. Example: If you have common sense, you wouldnt be in this situation. This term is commonly used in restaurants and bars. Example: Careful, now. This is the couth Southerner's way of insulting your intelligence without using so many words. Your ears mustve been burnin. What did you do? Meaning: (Phrase) This Southern phrase is used when a person is asking for a kiss. National Parks and Monuments in the US showcase some of the most unique and stunning areas of this country. Meaning: (Expression) The expression bless your heart is a Southern-style slang that women use when speaking ill about somebody. Do you remember me? If you find only minnows, though, they look even smaller compared to the heavy catch you hoped for. America is highly segregated and there are swathes of people uneducated to vernacular not like theirs. Since we'd never dare hang up the phone while Mama's chatting away, this may be the only way to end your conversation in a timely manner. He squeezes a quarter so tight the eagle screams. Whatever cranks your tractor. "What do you know?" 3. We kin see clear to the promised land! Wikimedia Commons . Question: What does it mean when people start a sentence with law? Ive enjoyed reading these. Black folks, most likely from the South of the Midwest, took it a step further and completely got rid of the second consonant sound, creating bae. The other reason black people love saying this phrase is out of pure pettiness. Because National Parks are often located far off the beaten path, and sometimes even in wilderness areas, visitors need to plan ahead to get the most out of their visits. Two of my favorite early 2000s rap songs document this refusal to keep ones gas tank full no matter how much money you have. Select a slang term for more details. is so strong that it has now become the go-to response for any requests that requires your money. Discover Scottish humor here! 'Cause she's Grandma, that's why. Example: Oh, foot! Shelby Slauer and Frank Olito. ", "I'll knock you into the middle of next week looking both ways for Sunday!". Use this guide to decipher common Southern phrases and to translate Southern pronunciations. Meaning: (Pun) This phrase is a pun for a liar. Black slang and AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) have long been considered inferior to so-called "standard" English, and the black people who use it seen as uneducated or unintelligent (forcing many to master the art of code-switching).So when suddenly words and phrases that have strong ties to the black community are adopted and warped by non . ), Or this one: "His heart is a thumpin' gizzard." I lived in Alabama in the early fifties after living my first few years in Brazil, Ginny, I assumed everyone the US spoke like this back then. Example: Make sure you be back directly once you're done with the project. Its only once in a blue moon we get to hang out. He proceeds to stand and proclaim "we gotta wrap this up" while tossing his microphone and walking off set (bad pun). Grandma's good at offering much-needed perspective. Meaning: (Phrase) One of the Southern phrases used when a person is about to do something or is in the middle of doing it is fixin to.. Ive said it so often to my grand nieces as they were growing up, this expression is now used by the girls. Southerners have plenty of ways to express surprise, another example of which is "Well I'll be John Brown," sometimes also said as "Well I'll be John Browned." This expression refers to John Brown. So when asking for a childhood luxury such as McDonalds, knowing good and well your parents went out of their way to buy weekly groceries to cook for your ungrateful self, they are going to ask you one simple question to determine if you can in fact have McDonalds: Do you have McDonalds money? 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